Master's Degree


 1. Mandatory Disciplines


History of History Teaching (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The emergence of history as a disciplinary field in the 19th century. The debates about the place of teaching history. The different conceptions about teaching, learning and historical knowledge necessary for school history. The trajectory of history teaching in basic education. The creation of university history courses and the professionalization of teachers. Historiographical production and the articulation between academic knowledge and school knowledge. Social demands and history teaching.


Theory of History (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Social uses of science. The relationships between historical knowledge and school history knowledge. Theory of History, teaching and practical life. The construction of a didactic of History and its relations with the Theory of History. Historical awareness, experience and teaching of history. The foundations of history teaching and its epistemological status. Truth, objectivity and subjectivity in the construction process of the historiographic operation. History, narrative and fiction: narrativism and historical knowledge. History and Social Sciences: a long debate. History, memory and historicity. Presentism, Places of memory and forgetfulness.


2. Elective disciplines


Teaching History and Gender (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Free choice of the professor, considering the dialogue that can be established with the master's proposal.


Local History: pedagogical uses and potential (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Free choice of the professor, considering the dialogue that can be established with the master's proposal.


3. Elective subjects of conditioned choice


History Curriculum: memory and production of identity / difference (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Different curriculum concepts and their implications for the reflection on the teaching of history. Relationship between curriculum and memory as contested territories. Differentiation between memory and history. School historiography, taught history and the contemporary political debate that involves the question of identity. Articulations between the different identification processes (national, sociocultural) in didactic historical knowledge. History curriculum and the matter of otherness in time and space.


Didactics of History: trajectory, challenges and perspectives (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Didactics of history as a field of research and academic discipline. History of History didactic construction. Different didactic conceptions and their implications for the history teaching-learning process. History Planning and Evaluation. The History classroom. Didactic resources as supports for historical knowledge recontextualized in a teaching object. Roles and uses of the textbook in the classroom. School as a training space for history teachers.


Teaching African History and Afro-Brazilian Culture (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: History of legal measures (laws and opinions) that made it mandatory to include these contents in the curricula of Brazilian schools. The reflections on the definition of parameters for the teaching of African History and Afro-Brazilian Culture and its consequences in the formation of History teachers, as well as the analysis of experiences of implementing these contents in school curricula, considering the privileged themes and approaches by History teachers in schools and the production of teaching materials. History of Africa as an academic discipline: discussion of themes and debates present in university education. The production of knowledge from subjects external to the university environment: projects, programs and the performance of social movements and black communities in the construction of knowledge in this field.


Teaching History and the Matter of Temporalities (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Historical time as a structuring element in the production of historical knowledge. Concept of historical time in different theoretical matrices. Historical time: duration, rhythm, succession, simultaneity, permanences and continuities. History teaching and historicity regimes. Pedagogical challenges in the didactic recontextualization of historical time. Concepts such as: historical narrative, narrative identity and historical awareness. Historical time and taught history: curricular proposals, textbooks, narratives of teachers and students in the classroom.


Heritage Education and History Teaching (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Teaching History and the field of material and immaterial Cultural Heritage. Exploration of the connections of memory institutions with the fields of culture, market, science and education. Based on case studies and general surveys about Brazilian museums, the new conceptions of history teaching in museums brought about by contemporary discussion on heritage, memory, cultural identity and education are examined.


History and Public History (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course will discuss the relationship between a public history and the History of the present time and uses of the past. The relationship, dialogues and exchanges between historians of the present time when making memories their sources and objects, as well as the varied media supports to expose historical knowledge in contemporary societies and their relations with the teaching of History, are the axes central to the discipline.


Methodology in Teaching History: The Researcher-Teacher and the Teacher-Researcher (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The method of researching history and the method of teaching history. Historical research in the teaching of History. The importance of the teacher-researcher. The importance of student-researchers. The use of workshops in the classroom. Research and the internet. Development of specific projects.


Narrative, Image and the Construction of Historical Fact (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Delimitation of the field of meaning of historical fact: fact as narration, fact as condensation of historical time. Conceptualization of visual narrative and its supports. Media and the factualization of history, resources for criticism and analysis methodologies. Strategies for presenting the historical fact through visual narratives.


Production of Teaching Material and the Virtual Universe (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Study of technological supports applied to the teaching of History, such as virtual learning environments, collaborative text editors, applications, games, among others. Construction of virtual environments for carrying out research and teaching history activities in basic education.


4. Seminars and Dissertation


Thesis (45 Credit Hours).

Syllabus: Advisement, reading and writing of the master's thesis.


Research Seminar (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours).

Syllabus: Discipline for discussion and development of research by all students, with a view to developing the final work project.


Tutorial Seminar (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours).

Syllabus: Monitoring of the student's work by the teacher-advisor with a view to preparing the final work and its defense.