UFPA and years of lead

The project “UFPA and the Years of Lead: memories, traumas, silences and educational culture (1964-1985)”, carried out a wide survey, not only documentary, but also including the memories of the servers, teachers and students of the Federal University of Pará in the years of the military dictatorship. The project made available, through the UFPA Multimídia repository, 47 interviews with people who experienced this period at the University, in addition to other multimedia materials. The project also set out to analyze an educational culture related to the formation of the various courses at UFPA that in the 1960s were in the process of being reformulated. In this sense, the project also seeks to discuss an educational culture linked to the various professional backgrounds, thereby contributing to the deepening of the History of UFPA and of education in Pará. The research project made it possible to capture the diversity of views over time, and to analyze memory as something selective, an important source that allows the necessary connection to make the recent and intelligible past. Finally, the project was configured as a special study to better understand the Brazilian political imagination and opened the possibility of exercising social responsibility in the work of historians.